Jakarta | 23 – 24 Oktober 2013 | Rp. 3,500,000
Purpose :
to introduce an emergency preparedness guidelines (plan, organization, practice) for an Emergency Situation and enhancing response team capability to response effectively.
General plan :
introduce situation to the recognize the emergency situation and the plans through lecture, discussion, illustration and examples
Objectives :
introduce how to identify the needs for an emergency response team and resources and how it is implemented during the
Content outline :
- define emergency
- provide list of emergency situation
- why do we need to provide a plan before, during, after
- show emergency requirement, communication, personnel skill , PPE, control, organization, roles and responsibilities.
- the need to clarify roles and responsibilities
- the need to have training and drills
- initial response
- protection priorities
- methods of controlling events
- notification and report procedures
Practice :
Table Top
Evaluation :
Rizal Saibi, Ir…..beliau HSE consultant Techical, Confined Space, Respon Management, Safety Management, Chemical Handling PT Cigma Indonesia yang sudah berpengalaman +/- 15 tahun. Beliau Lulusan Sarjana Teknik Tambang ITB salah satu client yang sudah pernah ditannganinya yaitu Chevron,Total Indonesia,Cnooc,Conoco Philips dan masih banyak yang lainnya yang tidak bisa dijelaskan satu persatu.
Investasi :
Rp. 3,500,000 sudah termasuk material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi,belum termasuk pajak. Bagi 5 peserta atau lebih dari perusahaan yang sama GRATIS untuk satu orang peserta.