Strategic Business & Financial Analysis – PASTI JALAN
Strategic Business & Financial Analysis
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 13 s.d 15 Maret 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant – PASTI JALAN
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 19 s.d 21 Maret 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 2 s.d 4 April 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 9 s.d 11 April 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 6 s.d 8 Mei 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 14 s.d 16 Mei 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 21 s.d 23 Mei 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 11 s.d 13 Juni 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Hotel Ibis Styles, Yogyakarta | 2 s.d 4 Juli 2013 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant
Jadwal Training 2013 Selanjutnya …
Pelatihan yang akan memberikan landasan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam menganalisa financial dan bisnis secara menyeluruh. Meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi tingkat resiko bisnis, menganalisa kinerja perusahaan serta menentukan dan menilai strategi bisnis perusahaan.
Pelatihan ini akan memberikan pengetahuan dalam
- Mengaplikasikan financial analysis dan forecasting techniques
- Mengidentifikasikan dan mengevaluasi key business dan enviromental risk
- Memberikan teknik yang advance dalam menganalisa cashflow
- Menilai kinerja bisnis melalui financial anlaysis
- Menilai strategi perusahaan
Business Analysis and Appraisal of Strategic Direction
- Components involved in comprehensive business evaluation
- Understand the key drivers, both external and internal, which create the business strategy
- Recognize the effects on cycles for different industry
Environmental Analysis
- Industry Analysis
- Evaluating key factors which drive an industry
- Examine the key success factors for an industry
- Linkage between the environment and economic cycles
- Porter’s Five Force
- Competitor analysis
The Corporate – Overview
- Consider the internal pressure on a business
- Recognize the importance of vision and leadership
Information Needs
- How to get & manage the information needed for constructive analysis
- SWOT analysis
Analyzing Financial Statements
- Examining the profit and loss account
- Manipulating profit to detriment of the balance sheet
- Analysis of business performance
- Asset and financing structure
- Relationship between profit and cash
- Preparing and using cash flow statement & analysis to identify company position
Analyzing, interpreting and evaluating company reports
- The importance of working capital management
- Trends in performance indicator
- Credit analysis
Financial Analysis – a managerial perspective of value based management
- Cost volume profit analysis
- Cost determination
- Efficiency
Strategic Analysis – a managerial perspective
- Strategic position and action evaluation (indicator, direction, past, present and future)
- Full structured risk analysis and forecasting financial statement
Praktisi manajemen keuangan yang ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan yang lengkap mengenai financial control management dan finance manager atau financial controller yang ingin menyegarkan pengetahuannya.
Dr. Baldric Siregar, MBA, Akt and Team
Trainer dan Pakar di bidang analisis kelayakan usaha dan studi Fraud & Prevention. Pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi di Yogyakarta. Praktisi dan konsultan manajemen keuangan di berbagai perusahaan.
- Presentation
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Pre-Test & Post-Test
- Games
- Hotel Ibis Styles Dagen Malioboro Yogyakarta
- 21 s.d 23 Januari 2013
- 12 s.d 14 Februari 2013
- 19 s.d 21 Februari 2013
- 26 s.d 28 Februari 2013
- 5 s.d 7 Maret 2013
- 13 s.d 15 Maret 2013
- 19 s.d 21 Maret 2013
- 2 s.d 4 April 2013
- 9 s.d 11 April 2013
- 23 s.d 25 April 2013
- 6 s.d 8 Mei 2013
- 14 s.d 16 Mei 2013
- 21 s.d 23 Mei 2013
- 3 s.d 5 Juni 2013
- 11 s.d 13 Juni 2013
- 25 s.d 27 Juni 2013
- 2 s.d 4 Juli 2013
- 27 s.d 29 Agustus 2013
- 3 s.d 5 September 2013
- 17 s.d 19 September 2013
- 24 s.d 26 September 2013
- 1 s.d 3 Oktober 2013
- 16 s.d 18 Oktober 2013
- 29 s.d 31 Oktober 2013
- 6 s.d 8 November 2013
- 12 s.d 14 November 2013
- 19 s.d 21 November 2013
- 26 .d 28 November 2013
- 3 s.d 5 Desember 2013
- 10 s.d 12 Desember 2013
- 17 s.d 19 Desember 2013
- Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
(In House Training Depend on request)
Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bali, Lombok and Batam
- Fee course : Rp 6.500.000,-/participant
- Special price : Rp. 5.500.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 3 peserta
- Rp. 4.500.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 4 peserta
- Training Module
- Free High Quality Electronic Books for SDM
- Certificate
- Jacket or Batik
- Qualified Bag
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
- Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue