Sucker Rod Pump: Design, Operation and Troubleshooting
Sucker Rod Pump: Design, Operation and Troubleshooting
Bandung | Jun 28 – Jul 1, 2010 | Rp.7.250.000,-
This course teaches the skills necessary to optimize the operation, analysis and trouble shooting of rod pumping systems. It covers rod-pumping equipments (SRP).
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Use modern rod pump effectively to optimize rod pump systems.
- Design the rod pump systems; compare pumping units
- In-depth dynamometer card interpretation will enable you to diagnose and fix field problems.
- Maintain the motor equipment, belt
- Measure the level fluid, foaming and more
- Many field examples will be used for practice
1. Introduction
- Rod pumping advantages and disadvantages
- Pumping unit geometries and prime movers
2. Down hole Equipment
- Common and special pumps and their advantages and disadvantages
- Plungers, balls and seats, pump displacement and slippages; gas anchor design.
3. System Design
- Types and Problems
- Component Equipment, classification versus API
- Constant productivity index, Vogel, and Fetkovich IPR methods
- Guidelines for system design; tips for reducing torque and rod loading, and increasing system efficiency
- Counter Balance, check stress rod
- Pump Analysis (Walker and Agnew Method)
4. ROD Pump
- Types and dimension version API
- Coupling, Continuous sucker rod, design polo shed rod
- Paraffin Scrapers, Rod Pull out Force
5. Dynamometer Analysis
- Assembling
- Interpretation, test procedures
- Rod Load analysis, Torque Analysis and counter balance
- Conventional Unit of Torque counter
6. Failure Control
- Equipment Handling (Tension, Corrosion, fatigue
- Diagram, Continuous s Rod, Storage
7. Dynagraph Interference
- Gilbert, Gibb-Neely
8. Fishing
- Rod Lifting Method
9. Trouble shooting
Reservoir Engineers, Petroleum Engineer, Gas Engineer production superintendents, foremen, field technicians, and service personnel who are involved with rod pumping systems.
DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA is General Manager of Program Development Department of ITB. He was an extreme dedicated consultant and researcher with countless hands-on expertise in analytical methods, engineering mathematics, computer simulation, fluid mechanic, mass and heat transfer. Mr. Sudjati has published numerous articles regarding of researches and analyses in France, Australia, USA and Singapore.
His expertise has brought him to one of the top-notch expert hired among UNOCAL, MOBIL OIL Indonesia, PPTM Migas, PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, LEMIGAS, PT. LNG Bontang, VICO Indonesia, GULF, ARCO and PERTAMINA. He is an active member of SPE [Society of Petroleum Engineers] and Fine Particles Society, US. He holds Diplome d’Etude Approfondie and Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide in Methode Numerique from UCB, France.
Jun 28 – Jul 1, 2010
4 days
Tuition Fee
Rp.7.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.